1. April fore i lažne vijesti

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1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« : 01. Travanj, 2013., 08:21 »
1. travnja je, internet će poludjeti danas s raznoraznim forama i lažnim vijestima pa evo teme u kojoj pratimo upravo to.

Ako vidite neku značajnu objavu danas, poput recimo nešto vezano uz Half Life 3 ili možda GTA V, najvjerojatnije je potpuno lažna i treba ju postati ovdje umjesto da otvarate posebne teme za to. U svakom slučaju, poanta je da kroz ovu temu vidimo sve veće lažne vijesti i fore objavljene danas u vidu gaminga.

Pa evo što sam ja pronašao za sada:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developer Sledgehammer Games rebrandali su se u Rubber Mallet Games i fokusirati će se na razvoj mobilnih igara uz moto "Connect Through Caring". Prva igra Glass biti će prezentirana na E3 sajmu, kažu. Pogledajte im Twitter - http://twitter.com/SHGame

Ovo im je novi logo: http://www.n3rdabl3.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/sledgehammergames.jpg


Gametrailers je imao posebnu verziju svog Pop Factsa o Arkham Cityu, gdje navode da su našli u igri valjda najbolji easter egg ikada čije otključavanje u igri traži pronalazak posebne prostorije i čekanje negdje 6 sati. Evo videa, rula malo:



Očekivano, dobili smo i ovo. Steamova baza podataka:


Eidos Montrela teasa Deus Ex: Human Defiance:
Danas ćemo navodno vidjeti nešto o tome...


I naravno, LoL je sada League of Draven


Apple predstavio iPlay konzolu, IGN-ov video:

To je to od mene za sad, postajte vi dalje ako naletite na nešto. :piva:
« Zadnja izmjena: 01. Travanj, 2013., 08:32 Ementaler »



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Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #1 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 09:49 »
haha ovo za Arkham City, mi je ispunilo dan.



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Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #2 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 10:18 »
Evo još nečega, cijela jedna nova igra iz Blizzarda:


I ovo upravo stiglo od Sege:


The latest addition to the world's favourite football management simulation goes back to where it all started, in the very first season of the Football League

London, 01/04/13 - Sports Interactive, in partnership with the Football League, has today announced the forthcoming release of Football Manager 1888, an all-new (or should that read 'all-old'?) version of the best-selling game that celebrates 125 years of the world's oldest league football competition.

The latest version of the iconic football management game offers players the chance to put their skills to the test in the very first season of the English Football League. Managers are given the option of taking over any of the original 12 clubs involved in the 1888/89 season and guiding them to league and cup glory.

Of course, football was very different in the Victorian era and these differences will present FM players with a whole new set of challenges.

Managers will have to master the different rules of the game, including; no substitutions being permitted during matches, the off-side rule not yet being introduced to the game and players flying into tackles without fear of being sent off or conceding penalties. Players must also overcome other, more unusual, tests to their management credentials when faced with their star players being forced into immediate retirement following a bad injury or their entire back four being drafted up to the army.

"This latest addition to the Football Manager family is so good, it's unreal," said Sports Interactive Studio Director Miles Jacobson. "We've worked hard to recreate the excitement of Victorian football and the results have to be seen to be believed."

As well as being the latest game in Sports Interactive's award winning series, Football Manager 1888 also celebrates the 125th anniversary of the Football League and creates history by allowing you to redefine the roots of football. You can take the crown of the first ever English league winner or face the humiliation of having to seek re-election to the league.

FM1888 sees the introduction of a range of new features and significant changes to some of the game's existing elements to really put you in the shoes of a Victorian football manager. Some of the highlights include:

- 19th Century match engine

Everything on and around the pitch will look as it did when the league was first formed; from the muddy recreation grounds and the crowds of gentlemen spectators through to the players' movements and the way the old leather ball moved (or, indeed, didn't move) through the air.

- All clubs and players from the 1888/ 89 season

Manage any of the original 12 football league clubs across one league and go deeper than ever into Victorian football with a comprehensive database of more than 150 players and staff from across the United Kingdom.

- User interface

Football Manager 1888 boasts a brand new 'late 19th century' style interface and skin reflecting the game's era.

- Play by the original football rules

Overcome all the hurdles that managers don't need to worry about in the present game. Have an injury? Well you can't make a substitution. Think he was off-side? Think again, there's no such thing. And was that really a bad tackle? It doesn't really matter, as yellow and red cards haven't been introduced to the game yet.

- Overcome the challenges of Victorian football

You will experience real life problems of the era, such as; players being called up to the army leaving you with a hole in your squad and players having to retire from football with immediate effect following a serious injury.

- Plus all player and staff movements from the 1888/89 season.

For more information, please go to www.footballmanager.com/1888
« Zadnja izmjena: 01. Travanj, 2013., 10:20 Ementaler »



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Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #3 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 10:32 »

Sry, tek sam ustao i neda mi se prevađat :D Klik na link :D



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Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #4 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 10:32 »
Would play FM 1888 :D



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Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #5 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 10:37 »

Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #6 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 11:37 »
Matična ploča na solarnu energiju ahahhhahah dobra fora za 1 april :loludara::loludara::loludara::loludara::loludara::loludara:

Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #7 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 12:17 »
BF 4



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Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #8 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 12:36 »
Potrude se cover napraviti i ne stave PEGI nego ESRB rating :hiha2:

Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #9 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 12:40 »
Kakva je razlika izmedju PEGI-a i ESRB-a ?



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Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #10 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 12:45 »
Pan European Game Information (PEGI) is a European video game content rating system established to help European consumers make informed decisions on buying computer games with logos on games' boxes.

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) is a self-regulatory organization that assigns age and content ratings, enforces industry-adopted advertising guidelines, and ensures responsible online privacy principles for computer and video games in Canada and the United States.

Znači ukratko i bez kompliciranja - jedan je za većinu Europe, drugi je za Ameriku.

Ali svejedno, ne bi imali cover i kutiju od igre da su ju ikako dobili ranije. Ali dobro, svejedno - šale se ljudi, ne treba sad to previše analizirat, nvm.

Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #11 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 13:03 »

Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #12 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 13:39 »

World of Tanks navodno uvodi mapu na mjesecu. detalji novog gameplaya su urnebesni :D



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Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #13 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 13:56 »

Bringing Back the Best in Gaming - RetroMator 4000 is GOG.com's bid to bring classic gaming back to life like never before! If you long for the days of floppy disks or if you wish you could hear the "bleep-bloop" of a PC speaker trying to tootle dramatic music at you, the RetroMator 4000 is just what you've been looking for. GOG.com's genius development team has written a full library that takes the best of old gaming and replaces the annoying parts of new games to help you better enjoy your gaming experience.

Najbolje dosad.

Odg: 1. April fore i lažne vijesti
« Odgovori #14 : 01. Travanj, 2013., 14:04 »


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