Upravo mi je izbacilo nešto čudno:
Na svaki video postan na forumu je počelo izbacivati: Can't load plugin.
HCL web page uses plugin that will soon be unavailable.
Tj. radi se o problemu s Shockwave Flash pluginom.
Jel ovo samo mene zeza ?
Moderatori i Igor vama šljaka sve normalno na Chromu ?
Jel do HCL-a, Googla, Adobe-a ili šta ?
Pomoć jer ne mogu pogledati niti jedan video.
Do jučer je bilo sve ok.
Probat ću reinstalirat flash a možda i cijeli chrome pa da vidim.
Ukoliko netko ima isti problem neka se javi molim.
EDIT: Izgleda da je doista do jbng chroma, skinuo novu verziju i ništa.
Ukoliko netko ima isti problem možda vam ovo pomogne:
Plugin-based content doesn't work on Chrome
Chrome no longer supports many plugins. Most of these features are already included by website creators in a more secure way.
NPAPI plugins no longer work
In the past, many plugins were developed using an old system called NPAPI. Today fewer sites are using NPAPI plugins and they have often caused security risks on websites.
To make browsing with Chrome safer, faster, and more stable, we stopped allowing NPAPI plugins on September 1, 2015.
Plugins that use NPAPI, including Silverlight, Java, and Unity, won’t work.
Visit sites that use NPAPI
NPAPI plugins can't be enabled, so if you want to use a website that uses an NPAPI plugin, you’ll need to use a different web browser.
PPAPI plugins still work
Plugins that use a newer, more secure system called Pepper API (PPAPI) still work. That includes plugins that come with Chrome, like Adobe Flash. There's no need to install anything extra because PPAPI plugins will update when Chrome does.
Learn how to update Chrome.
Fix problems with Adobe Flash
If Flash isn't working, try these steps to fix the problem:
Step 1: Turn on PPAPI plugins.
Open Chrome.
In the address bar at the top, enter chrome://plugins and press Enter.
At the top right, click Details.
Find "Adobe Flash Player."
Under "Type: PPAPI," click Enable.
Step 2: Make sure Chrome is up-to-date.
You get Adobe Flash player on Chrome automatically, and it updates when Chrome does.
On your computer, open Chrome.
At the top right, click More More.
Click Update Google Chrome. If you don't see this button, you're on the latest version.
Click Relaunch.
Having problems updating Chrome? Learn how to fix Chrome update problems.
Step 3: Update Adobe Flash Player manually.
Open Chrome.
In the address bar at the top, enter chrome://components and press Enter.
Under "Adobe Flash Player," click Check for update.
Go back to the page with the Flash content. If it doesn't load automatically, click Reload Reload.
Isprike na dugom postu no vjerujem da neću biti jedini s ovim problemom jer mnogi koriste taj web browser.