Imam PS3 Slim s modifikacijom Rogero 4.55. sDD mi je od 160gb i išao sam staviti novi SDD od 1TB. Kad sam stavio novi SDD i upalio PS3
pisalo mi je ovo:
"The system software cannot be run correctly. Press the PS button to try to restart the system.If the system cannot be restarted, the
system partition of the hard disk must be reformatted and you must reinstall the system software.
insert storage media that contain update data of the version 4.55 or later, and then press the START and SELECT".
Stavio sam na USB Rogero 4.55 u mapu PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP koji sam prije toga formatirao u FAT32 te onda upalio PS3 i opet mi je ta
poruka pisala. Stisao sam START i SELECT zajedno i nakon toga mi se pokazala ova poruka:
"No applicable update data was found.Connect storage media that contains update data of version 4.55 or later, and then press the START
and SELECT buttons at the same time."
Sad neznam više što da radim. Hvala na pomoći :)