Aliens vs. Predator

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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #120 : 28. Siječanj, 2010., 13:42 »
:hihi:  :(
ček ovo ne izlazi na pcu il šta? ;/


Platform(s)           Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Release date(s)    NA February 16, 2010
                                EU February 19, 2010



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #121 : 28. Siječanj, 2010., 22:38 »
Tri nova (kratka) videa.
Po svaki od jedne vrste iz multiplayera:



Predator - kako kraj rula  :ave:

I još važnije, najvažnije, Rebellion se ne boji  kvalitete svog proizvoda;

Tim Jones (Rebellion producer): “There will be a demo coming very soon, which hopefully you will be able to enjoy online.



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #122 : 28. Siječanj, 2010., 22:42 »
Jebote kako si zagrijan za tu igru. Mislim da će te infarkt strefit kad izađe. :D



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #123 : 28. Siječanj, 2010., 23:15 »
neće jer je neće moć igrat  :ave: :ave:
ali ae, i ja sam zagrijan  :ementaler:



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #124 : 28. Siječanj, 2010., 23:44 »
Armor, pošto se ti i ja osobno čujemo, dolaziš slobodno kod mene zaigrat AvP, na quadu i ostalim gadgetima  :approve  :hihi:



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #125 : 30. Siječanj, 2010., 15:41 »
Sad sam si malo zgustal stari klasik. Issss, vec sam zaboravil koliko je ova igra atmosfericna^^ :hug



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #126 : 30. Siječanj, 2010., 15:43 »
Sad sam si malo zgustal stari klasik. Issss, vec sam zaboravil koliko je ova igra atmosfericna^^ :hug

Stari klasik sad ima i multiplayer, ak misliš na Steam verziju.
Al da, atmosfera singleplayera je fenomenalna.



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #127 : 30. Siječanj, 2010., 15:51 »
Da, mislim na Steam verziju. Ma ono, ovo je u rangu Stalkera kad je atmosfericnost u pitanju.^^
Inace, gledal sam malo ove gameplay trailere i cini mi se da bi moglo dobro ispast. Stari recept, nova grafika i poboljsani gameplay. Samo da nebude bugova i nekih propusta i bit će to dobra igra.



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #128 : 30. Siječanj, 2010., 18:33 »
Vani je novi, fantastični trailer iz Survivor multiplayer moda:

Aliens vs. Predator: Survivor mod Trailer



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #129 : 30. Siječanj, 2010., 21:32 »
Multiplayer bi mogao biti dosta zabavan, samo da je podrska za sto veci broj igraca.



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #130 : 30. Siječanj, 2010., 22:52 »
Multiplayer bi mogao biti dosta zabavan, samo da je podrska za sto veci broj igraca.
Evo nekih modova, uglavnom, svi budu navodno podržavali 18 igrača (osim co-op modova)

-Deathmatch - Supports up to 18 players, with the goal being to rack up the most kills.

-Infestation - This pits a squad of marines against a single-player-controlled alien. As each marine is killed during a match, he will respawn as an alien until there's just one last man standing.

-Predator Hunt - This is where you get to play as a group of predators hunting a sole alien. You're given a short match time of three minutes in which to kill the xenomorph and rack up the most kills on your team.

-Survivor - This is the updated Skirmish mode where you're going after wave after wave of increasingly different and difficult Alien AI. You can do that in a four-player co-op.



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #131 : 31. Siječanj, 2010., 22:09 »
Kako fantastično izgleda  :D :D

Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #132 : 31. Siječanj, 2010., 23:33 »
Multiplayer bi mogao biti dosta zabavan, samo da je podrska za sto veci broj igraca.
Evo nekih modova, uglavnom, svi budu navodno podržavali 18 igrača (osim co-op modova)

-Deathmatch - Supports up to 18 players, with the goal being to rack up the most kills.

-Infestation - This pits a squad of marines against a single-player-controlled alien. As each marine is killed during a match, he will respawn as an alien until there's just one last man standing.

-Predator Hunt - This is where you get to play as a group of predators hunting a sole alien. You're given a short match time of three minutes in which to kill the xenomorph and rack up the most kills on your team.

-Survivor - This is the updated Skirmish mode where you're going after wave after wave of increasingly different and difficult Alien AI. You can do that in a four-player co-op.

ovaj infestation će biti zanimljivo igrati
« Zadnja izmjena: 31. Siječanj, 2010., 23:40 Crysis »



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #133 : 31. Siječanj, 2010., 23:52 »
igra će sakat i onda će svi plakat



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Odg: Aliens vs. Predator
« Odgovori #134 : 01. Veljača, 2010., 08:56 »
Ovo je bilo konstruktivno :wildboy:


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