Alien Swarm - ajmo halat, free gejm!

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Odg: Alien Swarm - ajmo halat, free gejm!
« Odgovori #135 : 24. Kolovoz, 2010., 10:41 »
daklem, novi patch za alien swarm

Since release, we've received a ton of feedback and feature requests from the Alien Swarm community. The most requested additions are more variety and greater difficulty.

With that in mind, we've added "Onslaught" mode, which introduces an AI Director that dynamically generates swarms of aliens based on several factors, such as the squad's stress level. Onslaught works with any difficulty setting and ensures no mission plays the same way twice.

Speaking of difficulty, we've also added a "Brutal" difficulty level for those of you who told us "Insane" wasn't insane enough. How brutal is Brutal? Nobody on the Alien Swarm team has managed to complete a mission on it.

If for some crazy reason Brutal is still too easy for you, there's now a "Hardcore Friendly Fire" toggle. When enabled, friendly fire deals full damage immediately, flamethrowers set teammates on fire much faster, and turrets will hurt you if get caught in their crossfire. HCFF truly tests your team’s ability to work as a elite squad. Coordinating movement and firing lines become an even more integral part of the game.

Finally, to reward the most dedicated players, we've added 3 new IAF Promotion Ranks: Platinum Star, Osmium Star, and the coveted Iridium Medallion.

dakle i isprobao sam. brutal težina je fakat brutalna, uspio sam preći 2 misije sa nekom random ekipom. ovaj onslaught dodatak je ustvari najbolja stvar iz ovog peča. spawna random aliene svuda po mapi, pa sad ne možeš napamet znat od kuda će ti doć. hardcore opcija jedino povećava friendly fire.
nove 3 promocije (ukupno 6) funkcioniraju kao i prije. dobiješ promociju,ali nikakve beneficije sa njom.
« Zadnja izmjena: 24. Kolovoz, 2010., 16:13 Konjina »



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Odg: Alien Swarm - ajmo halat, free gejm!
« Odgovori #136 : 24. Kolovoz, 2010., 11:18 »
we've added "Onslaught" mode, which introduces an AI Director that dynamically generates swarms of aliens based on several factors, such as the squad's stress level. Onslaught works with any difficulty setting and ensures no mission plays the same way twice.

Ovo mi dobro zvuči, jer do sad je uvijek bilo sve isto svaki put kad se ponavljala misija. Alieni su se uvijek spawnali na istim mjestima pa brzo dosadi nakon šta se sve napamet zna. Mislim da bi sad moglo bit puno zanimljivije i teže naravno, zbog ovih novih težina koje su dodali.



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Odg: Alien Swarm - ajmo halat, free gejm!
« Odgovori #137 : 26. Kolovoz, 2010., 11:44 »
Ja još uvijek nisam ovo isprobao. Treba me na križ  :fpalm:

Odg: Alien Swarm - ajmo halat, free gejm!
« Odgovori #138 : 26. Kolovoz, 2010., 13:03 »
slažem se.



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Odg: Alien Swarm - ajmo halat, free gejm!
« Odgovori #139 : 26. Kolovoz, 2010., 19:38 »



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Odg: Alien Swarm - ajmo halat, free gejm!
« Odgovori #140 : 27. Kolovoz, 2010., 17:27 »
izašla je druga mapa iz paranoia kampanje:
jedna od boljih mapa na koje sam naletio do sad i vjerujem da će, kad se završi u potpunosti, ova kampanja bit odlična. (prvu mapu sam linkao u postu #120)

i konačno jedna poduža kampanja u cijelosti. razlog zašto je tolko brzo napravljena je što su ustvari sve mape importirane iz Half lifea. bez obzira na to, dobro se uklapa u AS i zabavna je. probati obavezno.


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